
F♭ (pronounced F-flat) is a toy language.

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F♭ is a superset of JSON

By definition of the following words, F♭ is able to parse a superset of JSON.

The following

  "key": 10,
  "key2": "20"

is interpreted by F♭ as:

{ "key" : 10 "key2" : "20" }

in other words:

  1. Start a quote
  2. Push a string
  3. Convert string to a key
  4. Push a number
  5. Push another string
  6. Convert string to a key
  7. push a string
  8. end the quote and convert to an map assuming a list of key values pairs

resulting in the equivalent of a JavaScript object:

{ key: 10, key2: '20' }

However, because this is actually F♭ the syntax is relaxed.

Both block and line comments are supported

/* This is JSON.
   This is F♭! */
  "key": 10,     // This is a number
  "key2": "20"   // This is a string

Both double, single, and backtick quotes are supported.

  "key": 10,
  'key2': `20`

Commas are whitespace and optional.

  "key": 10
  'key2': `20`

Keys can be strings or words.

Quotes around keys are optional if the key is an word (no whitespace between the key and colon)

  key: 10
  'key2' : `20`

Colon is optional between key and value if the key is a string.

  "key" 10
  'key2' `20`

Both keys and values can be computed:

  key: 5 2 *
  "key" 2 + : 10 10 + string

Including template strings

  key: 5 2 *
  `key$(1 1 +)` : `$(10 10 +)`

Including infinity, null, complex and date values:

  pi: 4 1 atan *
  complex: '2+4i' :complex
  date: '1/1/1990' :date
  nothing: null
  everything: 1 0 /

results in:

{ pi: 3.1415926535897932385
  complex: 2+4i
  date: Mon Jan 01 1990 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Mountain Standard Time)
  nothing: Null
  everything: ComplexInfinity }

Square brackets are lazy, round brackets are not.

  a: [ 1 2 + ]
  b: ( 1 2 + )

results in the object:

  a: [ 1 2 + ]
  b: [ 3 ]