
F♭ (pronounced F-flat) is a toy language.

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Control Structures, Conditionals and Blocks


The core control mechanism in f♭ is the conditional (ternary) operator choose word.

f♭> true 1 2 choose
[ 1 ]

f♭> clr false [ 3 ] [ 4 ] choose
[ [ 4 ] ]

If conditional values are quotes they must be evaluated to execute.

f♭> true [ 1 2 + ] [ 1 2 * ] choose
[ [ 1 2 + ] ]

f♭> clr true [ 1 2 + ] [ 1 2 * ] choose eval
[ 3 ]

f♭> clr false [ 1 2 + ] [ 1 2 * ] choose eval
[ 2 ]

Defining the word branch: [ choose eval ] ; allows simplified branching:

f♭> true [ 1 2 + ] [ 1 2 * ] branch
[ 3 ]

f♭> clr false [ 1 2 + ] [ 1 2 * ] branch
[ 2 ]

When, Unless


Switch, Case