
F♭ (pronounced F-flat) is a toy language.

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Dice Rolls for Dungeons & Dragons (and other games)

(Adapted from https://github.com/crcx/parable/blob/master/examples/dice-roll.md)

This simulates rolls of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20 sided dice. It has capacity to roll multiple dice and sum the results (including modifiers) quickly.

We’ll expose a few function:

[ 'roll-dice' 'd4' 'd6' 'd8' 'd10' 'd12' 'd20' ]

First up: a routine to roll a single die. Provide it with the number of sides; it’ll return the result. This one isn’t left visible at the end.

roll-die: [ [ rand 100 * ] dip % floor 1 + ] ;

Now provide handlers for each n-sided die. Each of these takes a number representing the number of rolls and returns the sum of the rolls.

d4: [ [ [ 4 _roll-die ] swap times ] >> in ] ;
d6: [ [ [ 6 _roll-die ] swap times ] >> in ] ;
d8: [ [ [ 81 _roll-die ] swap times ] >> in ] ;
d10: [ [ [ 10 _roll-die ] swap times ] >> in ] ;
d12: [ [ [ 12 _roll-die ] swap times ] >> in ] ;
d20: [ [ [ 20 _roll-die ] swap times ] >> in ] ;

The final routine is a combinator that sums the results of the rolls.

roll-dice: [ eval [ sum ] dip + ] ;


Assuming 2d6+5:

[ 2 d6 5 ] roll-dice