F♭ (pronounced F-flat) is a toy language.
Expressions use postfix operators, unlike many other languages. Expressions are evaluated immediately unless they follow an unpaired square brackets ([
) or the word is has the colon suffix (in which case it is considered a key). In general all words should follow the Subject-(Object-)-Verb pattern.
f♭> "Hello World!" println
Hello World!
[ ]
f♭> 1 2 +
[ 3 ]
f♭> [ 1 2 3 ^ min ]
[ 3 [ 1 2 3 ^ min ] ]
f♭> eval
[ 3 1 ]
f♭> (-1 -2 -3) [ sqrt ] map
[ 0+1i 0+1.4142135623730950488i 0+1.7320508075688772935i ]
As mentioned above, lists are “lazy”. Words entered following an unmatched square bracket are not immediately evaluated unless the word is prefixed with a colon (:
f♭> [ 9 sqrt ]
[ [ 9 sqrt ] ]
f♭> clr
[ ]
f♭> [ 9 :sqrt ]
[ [ 3 ] ]