F♭ (pronounced F-flat) is a toy language.
Project maintained by Hypercubed
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
F♭ (pronounced eff-flat) is a toy language.
F♭ is a dynamically typed array-oriented concatenative language similar to Forth, Joy, Factor and others. F♭ is meant to be used interactively, for example in a CLI REPL, like R or the command shell, or in a stack based calculator. This constraint dictates many of the language features.
Get F♭
F♭ code can be found at https://github.com/Hypercubed/f-flat_node. Currently, it can be only be used by cloning the github repo.
git clone https://github.com/Hypercubed/f-flat_node.git
cd f-flat_node
npm install
npm start
Guiding principles
- interactive first
- minimal hidden state
- easy to type and read
- reads left to right, top to bottom (like a book)
- whitespace not significant syntax
- interactive development.
- flat concatenative language
- name code not values
- multiple return values
- concatenation is composition/pipeline style
- no unnecessary parentheses.
- no surprises (Principle of “least astonishment”)
- immutable data
- decimal and complex numbers
- both double and single quotes
- no order of operations (RPN)
- Use common work-flow in Forth-like languages:
- Write some code to perform a task
- Identify some fragment that might be generally useful
- Extract it and give it a name
- Replace the relevant bits with the new word
- [Refactor] when: Read-Eval-Print-λove:
- complexity tickles your conscious limits
- you’re able to elucidate a name for something
- at the point when you feel that you need a comment
- the moment you start repeating yourself
- when you need to hide detail
- when your command set (API) grows too large
- Don’t factor idioms